Sunday, January 6, 2019

Day 353, December 19, 2018

Today, one of our bus drivers came into the office and gave me a shopping bag.  She asked me to take it to Bryce, one of our first grade students.  He had gotten on her bus this morning and was sad, because he didn’t have any pajamas to wear for “pajama day” at school.  The driver went to the Dollar General Store and bought him some PJ’s.  I called him to the office and showed him what was inside the bag.  His eyes lit up like none I have ever seen.  I asked him if he liked them and if he wanted to put them on.  His answer was “YES!”  He came back from the bathroom with the bottoms on, but holding the shirt in his hand.  He whispered to me, “Would you cut the tags off for me?  I don’t like them.  They are too scratchy!”  I told him I would, because I always cut the tags out of my shirts, too.  He thought that was really funny!  When the driver came back in at noon, I told her he was so happy and he said he knew it was from her.  She went and bought him some more things and brought the bag to the office.  The aide in the classroom told me he said he had slept in the clothes he had on that day, because he didn’t have PJ’s.  He had worn the same outfit to school for the third day in a row.  Bryce told her he had asked Santa for new clothes when he saw him last week at school.  I took the bag with the new clothes down to his classroom at the end of the day.  I showed him everything that was in the bag.  He was so excited because there was a new toothbrush in the bag, too.  I showed him the socks and he pulled off his shoe to show me he had a hole in his sock.  His big toe was sticking all the way through the end of the sock.  After school, I sent the driver a text.  I told her I gave him the bag and everything he said.  That he knew it was from her.  She told Bryce it must have been Santa, it wasn’t her.  I also called his mom to tell her what happened and where everything had come from.  She was very thankful.

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